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Payment Method: * Internet Banking
For credit card donations, please follow the link to Give-A-Little below.

Donate Now

Thank you for considering supporting the Bay of Plenty Multiple Sclerosis Society. Your contribution is absolutely vital. Without public support, the valuable work of The Bay of Plenty Multiple Sclerosis Society would be impossible.
Your contribution allows us to continue to provide support for families affected by multiple sclerosis in the Bay of Plenty Region

Regular Giving

Become a regular giver to BOPMS with monthly donations. Regular donations make a big difference to our work, enabling us to plan more effectively for the future. There is no minimum donation. Setting up an automatic payment enables the BOPMS Society to plan for the future effectively and efficiently, ensuring that we achieve our goals and commitments to people within the Bay of Plenty Region affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

Giving by direct debit or automatic payment is an agreement between you and the BOPMS Society to have regular donations taken from your bank account.

Name of account: BOP Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc.
Account number: 03-0445-0236737-00
Reference: IP DON
Reference: (your name)


Donate via Givealittle

For credit card donations, bank-to-bank transfers or Givealittle vouchers, please check out our Givealittle page, or go direct to our Givealittle donation page.
BOPMS Givealittle Page BOPMS Givealittle Donations